Q&A with Doug Bremer

Doug Bremer joined the Northspan team in April of 2024. As consultant, he provides community, organizational, and business development services to clients.

After spending nearly two decades in the hospitality industry, primarily in sales and operations at hotels across the nation, Doug entered financial services as a commercial lender.  These experiences have allowed him to gain experience in the intricacies of business management, as well as financial analysis and financing structures.

Here’s a quick Q&A with Doug:

Can you share some highlights from what you’ve been working on?

Working with clients on our business valuation service is rewarding because it’s such an integral part of the business journey, especially as valuations are often the first step in succession planninganother important topic for the economic health for our region.

My history in commercial lending has also given me a view into Small Business Administration (SBA) loans. I’ve been able to share and apply these insights with several of the businesses and individuals I’m currently working with at Northspan.

What projects up ahead next are you most excited about?

One of the most exciting programs I’m working on is the State Small Business Credit Initiative (SSBCI) in conjunction with the DAWN (Driving Access to Wealth and Networks) program. Along with a wide variety of options for area grants and loans, SSBCI is a great resource for existing and aspiring entrepreneurs in our region. But like a lot of funding options, it can also be very complex to navigate. Northspan helps by handling the administrative side. We can communicate with the government on behalf of applicants, conduct feasibility studies, make sure the numbers are solid, and help the applicant connect with the right people to get projects across the finish line.

What do you enjoy the most about this work?

My goal is to be a helpful resource to individuals and companies at any point in their business life cycle. Working with Northspan gives me the opportunity daily to feel impactful to our clients, which has been extremely gratifying.

Contact Doug by phone at (218) 481-7737 or by email at dbremer@northspan.org