We improve the health and vitality of boards, councils, committees, groups, and collaborations through practices and methods that build capacity, improve decision-making, and enhance effectiveness. We work to:
- Coordinate and facilitate strategic planning processes
- Provide technical assistance for change, growth management, and development
- Build inclusive community leadership skills through training
- Provide meeting management and planning services
- Facilitate economic adjustment, crisis response, and readiness planning initiatives
- Conduct project economic impact analyses
Preferred Strategic Planning Method
Northspan’s preferred strategic planning method uses proven facilitation methods to guide clients toward clear strategic directions and feasible, achievable action steps. While our specific scope may vary from client to client, this method drives our work.
Northspan designs an engagement scope with the group and presents a proposal.
If accepted, Northspan’s preferred strategic planning method includes seven phases
- Preparation & Design
- Practical Vision
- Underlying Contradictions
- Strategic Directions
- Vision, Mission & Core Values
- Focused Implementation
- Quarterly and Annual Evaluation & Planning Workshops
Learn more from our Preferred Strategic Planning Method HERE.