The Non-Traditional Lenders Forum (NTLF) is an event series hosted by Northspan to raise awareness of lending sources and programs available in the Northland that might not be on your radar.
Join us for NTLF events to learn about sources of capital, meet with representatives, and network at locations and venues throughout the region.
NTLF events are free and lunch is provided—just be sure to RSVP!
Many great sources of capital exist in our region. Have you heard of them? At NTLF, you can learn about and meet with groups like the Small Business Administration, Entrepreneur Fund, Driving Access to Wealth & Networks (DAWN), and many more. No matter what your vision is, you can find the right type of funding—and we can help!
To receive updates for future programs, join our email list by contacting Northspan Operations Specialist JL Herbert at